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Startup.Com was very insightful I imagine that it is hard to start up a company and this movie shows that. There are a lot of factors that go into creating and maintaining a business, not only that but you have to make sure that who you are working for has the same plan in mind or you come to a divide that could ultimately shut your whole business down, which is what we kind of saw with the situation between the two co-founders, they were not on the same page which was a main factor in the demise of this company. Another factor to the website not being successful was the lack of uniqueness from other sites. I feel like when you go in to make your own company you have to think about the possibilities of other people doing or thinking the same things as you, I think a little more research into the kind of work that the founders wanted this site to perform and if others were doing it those things and how they were doing it would have gave this team a better view on how they could be different and rise above. One think that I was happy about at the end of the film was that both co-founders maintained their long friendship that had got them that business to start with. That made me happy because it showed a really good example of keeping things professional and not letting the job in between personal relationships, they are very strong people for that, and that’s what I commend them on out of everything lol.


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