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Email = Postal Services

Hmm so what came first is the question. the egg or the chicken (I think that how that joke goes). Well the same can be asked about the email and postal services. Although we all know the Postal services came first, but it’s just so similar to email one could ask which came first. Some similarities include the option of mail forwarding. In the postal service world, you can forward your mail to a new residence if you are leaving your old one and still would like to receive your mail, similar to that if you just want to forward an email to another email you can do that, as long as you have the forwarding address for both. Just like with postal services you receive your mail at a specific address that hopefully you only have, just like an email address its just yours and the mail comes directly to you.  I didn't really know how similar the email and the postal service was until I really thought about. 


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